Friday, May 15, 2009

Selena Gomez . . .


I'm really not going all fanatic over her . . .

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Birds by Valeria

These are my Birds! Well the red one is . The yellow one is my sister's . But sadly the yellow one ran away a little bit after I took this picture of them . The red one is still strong and living .

My Favorite Shows!!! by Valeria

If you have DirecTV , these are the channels you can watch them on . . . George Lopez (Channel 299 and Channel 300)
Family Matters (Channel 299 and Channel 300)

The Simpsons (Channel 11)

Forensic Files (Channel 246)

Sonny With A Chance (Channel 290 and Channel 291 )

Subway by Valeria

This may be shocking , but before a few moths ago , I use to HATE Subway . But when my mom asked me to just try one of the sandwiches , I fell in love . I never knew that Subway was sooo good .

Everyone always said it was delicious , but I used to not believe them . And its wierd because I never had tasted Subway and still I used to judge it badly . But I will never say that Subway is horrible , ever again . Because after I tasted that sandwich , every Saturday , I would have that same sandwich .

So sorry to all the people who love Subway more than me , when I said I used to hate Subway . But dont worry , I now love Subway . ALOT! And I will never stop loving it . . .

(P.S. I know Im writing of random stuff but I dont know what to write about ! Lol . )

Mad by Ne-Yo : By Valeria

This song , http://www, , you probably have heard it before , but I love this song soooooo much ! And I want you to hear it one more time . . .

My Favorite Movies by Valeria

Freedom Writers

Sydney White-->

Step Up 2 the Streets

Another Cinderella story

Wall E

High School Musical 3 Little Rascals

Love Them Forever . . .

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Youtube-Hurry up and Save Me by Tiffany Giardina-By Valeria

This song , , is also one of my favorite songs . WARNING : This song is a little girly ! I got it from the movie , Another Cinderella Story . But I still love this song , and its meaning .

Youtube - Alicia Keys karma by Valeria this is a video you should watch . its one of my fave songs

Things I Like by Valeria

Love ,
Dancing ,
Nancy Drew Books ,
Singing ,
Fries ,
Step Up 2 the Streets ,
The Color Purple ,
Alicia Keys

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Diamonds by Valeria

Diamonds are girls' best friend ! Dont you agree? Enough said about Diamonds . But just remember , Diamonds are girls' best friend . Forever...

I Hate School by Valeria

I HATE SCHOOOL!!!!!!!! Add ImageAdd Image

I know im really good at school , since i did get straight fours on my report card again . But , school is irretating . Its like a baby crying and screaming RIGHT INTO YOUR EAR!
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I hate waking up early for it and going to sleep early for it . I hate Social Studies and Writing and Science . Hey did i mention that I hate school ? Well i dont think i did mention it so just to make sure . . . I HATE SCHOOL !!!!!! >: ^ P

Spring Break Is Finally Here by Valeria

Finally! Spring break is here! I'm so glad its here because i hate school and homework .

Spring Break hasnt been boring . Practically everyday is filled with excitment . Like on Sunday , I went to Universal Studios . And then yesterday , i went to go watch "Fast And Furious" . Then today . it wasnt much exciting , but im doing something everyday . So today i cleaned alot on my house and did excersize .

I can finally get a break from school But the sad thing is that Spring Break is only a week . Which sucks! But atleast i will reunite with my friends more quickly than other breaks like Winter Break or Summer Break . But this last semester is going to be really hard since we are going to do a play , do a festival , do the CAT6 test , and the CST test at my school . And i might have a culmination , if my principal lets us .

But atleast Spring Break is here to calm my nerves . : ^)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Allyra By Valeria

I've known Allyra since about first grade . We have been best friends since then . We might have had a few bumps in the rode , but not anymore ! Allyra makes me laugh and she's always with me . She helps me when I'm down and I help her when she is sad .

We tell each other every secret we have , and we both keep the secrets in our minds instead of in our mouths . No one can replace Allyra , maybe not now . But we're going to get separated . It's just sad , but we won't know until it's the last day of fifth grade , then it will be all tears and hugs .

We both know that we can't always be "BFFs" , but we are going to be until the last day we are with each other . Also losing contact with her , will be like there is something missing in my life . Losing Allyra , can be like losing your loving little puppy .

Jeanet by Valeria

Jeanet , is a really good friend that goes to my school . She is in the same class as me , and she's as crazy as a chicken with no head . She's SO funny , and never gets offended . Jeanet is absolutely not shy , if she falls on her butt , she won't care , she won't get embarrassed .

Sometimes , Jeanet does get sad , but not usually . When it was my birthday , she actually gave me a million gifts , that she knew I would love . But also to make me laugh , she tried to steal them back . She's the best ! I hope when we are in middle school , we could still contact each other . She has a phone and so do I , so she keeps texting me , so maybe in middle school we can contact each other .

Hopefully , Jeanet and I will be friends for a long time . I don't want to lose her , because that would be like missing a small part of my life .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Hate HomeWork!!!!!!!!!!! by Valeria

Doesn't every kid in the world hate homework ? Well I really do!!!!! When it was my Birthday , and we had allot of homework , I couldn't even celebrate my Birthday ! Now isn't that really messed up !!!

Who ever is reading this blog , do you hate homework ? Well I'd Like to know , because I want to know that other kids also hate homework as much as me . I might do all of my homework , but I do it because I don't like to be yelled at . You read this , and you can see the message I'm giving to you .


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Halloween! by Valeria

I love Halloween !! I dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz . I loved my costume !! I was so happy that Halloween was on a Friday , so that meant I could spend all the time I wanted to go trick or treating . I went to a city my parents and I trusted to go trick or treating .

I didn't get to get alot of candy because of those cheapskates . They would only give you only one piece of candy . Before i ate some candy , my parents checked my candy . (I don't mean they ate the candy ! LOL!) They checked if the candy wrappers were already opened .

Once they said it s was good to eat , I ate a Recess chocolate . But they told me not to eat alot , since they wanted to go McDonalds to eat a REAL meal . I was a little embarrassed , but there were teenagers in there that were dressed up in their costumes .

So i wasn't at all embarrassed anymore ! I love Halloween , but I wouldn't call it my FAVORITE holiday !Lol!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Got My Friend Back by Valeria

I have a friend named Irene , I've been friends with her since the second grade , but in fifth grade she left to a new school . We communicated with each other by texting . But , I didn't know that one text was going to leave me without her for about four months .
Irene and I were texting each other like we usually did , and somehow we got into a fight . She stopped texting me back and it went on for about a month . Then I text her again and she replied . But things just got worse . She started to say bad things to me , so I did too . When it was about November she said she was going to give me a chance for me to be her friend again . So I took it . It was that she would ask something about herself and if I answered correctly , she would be my friend again .
She asked me what was her birthday , and I had the right answer in my mind , but i text it wrong . So another month passed by . And then another , until today . Irene text me that she will give me one more chance . And this time her question was too easy . I will never forget that she wore hats all the time . And that was the question ."What do I always wear ?"
I'm so , so glad we're friends again . I take back all that mean text messages I sent to her during the fight . Now we can get back to the way we use to be , BFFs .

I Started My Blog Today !

What up! I started my blog today and who ever is reading my blogs will know what's going on in my life , but nothing too personal . I hope you would like what I write and I will try to write everyday . Thanks for reading this and hopefully you will read my blogs !