Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Got My Friend Back by Valeria

I have a friend named Irene , I've been friends with her since the second grade , but in fifth grade she left to a new school . We communicated with each other by texting . But , I didn't know that one text was going to leave me without her for about four months .
Irene and I were texting each other like we usually did , and somehow we got into a fight . She stopped texting me back and it went on for about a month . Then I text her again and she replied . But things just got worse . She started to say bad things to me , so I did too . When it was about November she said she was going to give me a chance for me to be her friend again . So I took it . It was that she would ask something about herself and if I answered correctly , she would be my friend again .
She asked me what was her birthday , and I had the right answer in my mind , but i text it wrong . So another month passed by . And then another , until today . Irene text me that she will give me one more chance . And this time her question was too easy . I will never forget that she wore hats all the time . And that was the question ."What do I always wear ?"
I'm so , so glad we're friends again . I take back all that mean text messages I sent to her during the fight . Now we can get back to the way we use to be , BFFs .

I Started My Blog Today !

What up! I started my blog today and who ever is reading my blogs will know what's going on in my life , but nothing too personal . I hope you would like what I write and I will try to write everyday . Thanks for reading this and hopefully you will read my blogs !